Sinus Lift

Sinus Lift in Kernersville

Setting the Stage for Dental Implants

While simple bone grafts can be used to spur bone growth in some parts of the mouth, the rear of the upper jaw is notorious for requiring a more involved procedure. In order to prepare that portion of the mouth for the eventuality of implants, a special surgery called a sinus lift must be performed. Infinity Dental specializes in oral surgery and can provide high-quality care in a comfortable environment.

Call (336) 347-4050 to talk to one of our top Kernersville dentists today.

Handling the Problem Zone

The insufficient bone mass near the sinuses may be due to:

  • Loss of teeth in the rear region of the upper jaw
  • Periodontal (gum) disease
  • Simple anatomy, such as the upper jaw being naturally thin or sinuses sitting lower than average

During the surgery, a small incision in the gums allows for the sinuses to be pushed further away from the jaw. The newly created space is packed with granules of bone graft material that eventually becomes part of the existing jawbone as it heals.

Post-Surgery Care

You may experience some swelling and bleeding during the initial week following the procedure, but most patients experience only mild discomfort throughout the entire process. Pain medication and antibiotics are provided to ensure quick and thorough healing. After several months, the graft is completely integrated into the natural hard bone and your jaw can be up to several millimeters thicker. As soon as your Kernersville dentist feels it is acceptable, implants can be placed.

Setting You Up for Success

Sinus lift surgery radically improves your mouth’s ability to successfully receive dental implants that will benefit you for the rest of your life. With the expertise of the top oral surgeon at our practice, our patients experience minimal discomfort during the procedure, yet are rewarded with the promise of a lifetime of strong, permanent dental implants.

Let us address your questions or concerns. Get in touch with our Kernersville dentist at (336) 347-4050 if you would like more information.